
The cedula has to be renewed in-person at the Consulate of Panama in Los Angeles

Panamanians living abroad who at some time have carried a personal Panamanian identity card (CEDULA), whether they are older or under age, may renew or process a duplicate through the consulates

In case the person has processed a Panamanian youth identity card, and has reached the age of majority, he or she must request the first majority ID card in the national territory

Steps to follow:

If it is renewal:

Bring the expired personal identity card. If you do not have it, you can bring your passport or some other personal identification document

Only form of payment, through two money orders of Western Union or Money Gram: The cost is $ 175.00 which must be distributed as follows:

A first money order for $ 60.00, made out to: Tribunal electoral-fondo de reserva

A second money order for $ 115.00, made out to: Consulado de Panama